Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski

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Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski


Novo-Slovianski Flag Novoslovianski







NOVOSLOVIANSKI was created by an international group of lingusts. It is based on,  REPLACES and IMPROVES older versions of constructed Slavic languages such as: Slovianski (also known as "Old Slovianski") Slovioski, Slovianski-P, Slovianski-N, etc.

Novoslovianski is the most modern and the most current naturalistic Slovio-dialect, which keeps Slovio simplicity while adding various naturalistic elements. While it can use the Slovio-type spelling, diacritics are preferred. The Novo-Slovianski alphabet:

a   b   c   č   d  dž  e   f    g   h   i   j   k   l    m   n   o   p   r   s    š  t  u   v   z   ž

ADJECTIVES: are formed by adding -ju to the root (as in Slovio)
examples: dobrju (good), bistrju (quick),

ADVERBS: are formed by adding -jumo to the root (differnet from Slovio)
examples: dobrjumo (well), bistrjumo (quickly)

COMPARATIVES and superlatives (adjectives and adverbs):
više (more), naiviše (the most), menše (less) naimenše (the least)
examples: više dobrju (better), menše bistrjumo (less quickly)

As in other Slovianski variants the plural in Novo-Slovianski is formed by adding -i to the root.

Novo-Slovianski has some gender recognition. Examples, past tense:
on delal (he worked)
ona delala (she worked)
ono delalo (it worked)
oni delali (they worked)

Unlike standard Slovio, pronouns can have female forms:
moi  -   moia
tvoi  -  tvoia
This is especially helpful in songs and poetry

Other grammar: more or less identical with Slovio.

Unlike older Slovianski variants, Novo-Slovianski avoids the unnecessary complexities of grammar common in older versions. While very naturalistic modern Novo-Slovianski, for the most part, keeps the simplicity of Slovio. The grammar variations used in Novo-Slovianski are based on the rules of the Slovio flexible-grammar.

PS: Novo-Slovianski is not the same as Novoslovjenskij created by Mr. Merunka and his team.




"Old-Slovianski" (also known as Slovianski-N or Slovianski-P) has originated on Slovio-sponsored forums, namely on   - as a "more naturalistic" version of Slovio. The aim of this and other "naturalistic" versions of Slovio was to make Slovio even more appealing to some native Slavic speakers than the standard version. Slovianski wasn't a separate development, but a direct descendant, a version or dialect of Slovio. This version of Slovio (Slovi-anski) in order to increase its appeal to some native Slavic speakers often uses diacritics and several Slavic alphabets including several cyrilic alphabets. These features make the Slavianski-dialects, from case to case, more appealing to some native Slavic speakers, while at the same time making it much more complex and more difficult to learn - especially to diaspora Slavs or non-Slavs.

This was the "eternal" question and conflict in the process of the development of Slovio: simplicity and ease of learning vs. appeal to native Slavic speakers. All the Slovianski-variants of Slovio are thus much more difficult to learn, and their grammar is often as complex and as complicated as the Grammar of the traditional Slavic languages.

This complexity of various Slovianski-dialects of Slovio make the learning of the Slovianski-dialects less appealing to non-native speakers of Slavic languages. Some most elaborate Slovianski-dialects are more difficult to learn than traditional Slavic languages, such as Russian, Polish, Serbian, etc.

Don't waste your time and energy on counterfeit, unofficial,  complicated and useless versions of Slovianski.  If you are looking for REAL and original Slovianski information, look here, where it was born and not on counterfeit copy-cat websites and forums.


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Slovianski can be written both in Latin and in Cyrilic alphabet:

a, b, c, cj, d, e, f, g, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, sj, t, u, v, z, zj


There are two kinds of roots:

- Nominal roots end usually in a consonant: "lud", "zjen", "pes", "dom", "knig", "vec", "noc", "per", "pism", "velik", "dobr", "malink", "nov", "spokoin", "dolg". Only a few roots end in a vowel: "kano", "iglu", "histori".
- Verbal roots end in any vowel except "o": "pisa", "vide", "govori", "mogu".


- Singular nouns derived from nominal roots take the "-a" ending: "luda", "pesa", "doma", "kniga", "veca", "noca", "pera", "pisma", "velika", "dobra", "malinka", "nova", "spokoina", "dolga", "kanoa", "iglua", "historia".

- The "-a" ending can be almost always elised. It isn't recommended to elise it:

* when the root ends in more than one consonant ("pism", "dobr", "malink", "dolg")
* when the root ends in a voiced consonant which has got an unvoiced counterpart ("knig", "nov")
* when the root ends in a vowel ("kano", "iglu", "histori")
* when the root expresses a clearly female person ("zjen")

With a maximal use of elision, the example nouns would look like this: "luda", "pes", "dom", "kniga", "vec", "noc", "per", "pisma", "velik", "dobra", "malinka", "nova", "spokoin", "dolga", "kanoa", "iglua", "historia".

- Plural nouns are formed by replacing of the "-a" (no matter if it is elised or not) with "-i": "ludi", "pesi", "domi", "knigi", "veci", "noci", "peri", "pismi", "veliki", "dobri", "malinki", "novi", "spokoini", "dolgi", "kanoi", "iglui", "historii".

- Nouns derived from verbal roots take the "-nia" ending: "pisania", "videnia", "govorinia", "mogunia". These nouns express the name of the action of the verb. These nouns are treated as any other nouns with the "-a" ending. For example, the plural is: "pisanii", "videnii", "govorinii", "mogunii".


- Accusative marks a direct object. It has to be used in sentences where object isn't placed after subject. Depending on the speaker's will, it may (but doesn't have to) be used also in sentences where object is placed after subject.
- Accusative ending of singular nouns is "-u": "ludu", "pesu", "domu", "knigu", "vecu", "nocu", "peru", "pismu", "veliku", "dobru", "malinku", "novu", "spokoinu", "dolgu", "kanou", "igluu", "historiu", "pisaniu", "videniu", "govoriniu", "moguniu".
- Accusative ending of plural nouns is "-ov": "ludov", "pesov", "domov", "knigov", "vecov", "nocov", "perov", "pismov", "velikov", "dobrov", "malinkov", "novov", "spokoinov", "dolgov", "kanoov", "igluov", "historiov", "pisaniov", "videniov", "govoriniov", "moguniov".


- When the speaker isn't familiar with the concept of grammatical number (e.g. when he/she is Japanese), when we speak about things whose quantity is irrelevant (water, food, coal) or when we speak generally with no importance of the number of described things, one can use neutral number. This number says absolutely nothing about the quantity of things we speak about.
- Neutral number ending of nouns is "-e": "lude", "pese", "dome", "knige", "vece", "noce", "pere", "pisme", "velike", "dobre", "malinke", "nove", "spokoine", "dolge", "kanoe", "iglue", "historie", "pisanie", "videnie", "govorinie", "mogunie".
- Neutral number ending of accusative nouns is "-eg": "ludeg", "peseg", "domeg", "knigeg", "veceg", "noceg", "pereg", "pismeg", "velikeg", "dobreg", "malinkeg", "noveg", "spokoineg", "dolgeg", "kanoeg", "iglueg", "historieg", "pisanieg", "videnieg", "govorinieg", "mogunieg".


- Genitive and dative are replaced by prepositions.

genitive - "oz" (of)
dative - "da" (to)


- Adjectives end in "-ih": "ludih", "pesih", "domih", "knigih", "vecih", "nocih", "perih", "pismih", "velikih", "dobrih", "malinkih", "novih", "spokoinih", "dolgih", "kanoih", "igluih", "historiih".


- Adverbs are derived from nominal roots by "-o" ending: "ludo", "peso", "domo", "knigo", "veco", "noco", "pero", "pismo", "veliko", "dobro", "malinko", "novo", "spokoino", "dolgo", "kanoo", "igluo", "historio".


- The comparative is formed by means of the prefix "visje": "visje-dolgih", "visje-noco", "visje-peso", "visje-novih", "visje-ludo", "visje-nocih".
- The superlative is formed by means of the prefix "nai": "nai-dolgih", "nai-noco", "nai-peso", "nai-novih", "nai-ludo", "nai-nocih".


- The same as Slovio, GS-Slovianski also has got the form that helps those who have problems with grammar. It ends in "-oh": "dolgoh", "nocoh", "pesoh", "novoh", "ludoh".


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First person (I/we):

NOMINATIV ia ma mi
GENITIV moi moii nasj
DATIV mne nama nam
AKUSATIV menia na nas

Second person (you):

NOMINATIV vu ve vi
GENITIV voi vaiu vasj
DATIV vebe vama vam
AKUSATIV vebia va vas

Third person singular masculine (he):


Third person singular feminine (she):


Third person singular neuter (it):


Third person neutral and plural (they):

GENITIV onu ohni
DATIV oma om


DATIV sebu

(Iz cjazjektori svoi brati iest Anton nai-razumih.
Ona lubovit ego visje cjem seba.
Ona kupala seba vo svoi komnat.)



(Oni bili taskolko ne-priatih, zje se ne-mogule domovot so oni. They were so unpleasant that one couldn't live with them.
Grazih vozduh nemocot sa.
Zlocjiniconiki moguiu kradit si odeveg.
Ne-kritikiite sa, ibo se bi mogul tozjo va kritikit.)

- The basic second person pronouns show neither politeness (vykat'-ing) nor intimacy (tykat'-ing). To express politeness, one can replace the inital "v" with "pan": "panu", "pane", "pani" etc. To express intimacy, one can replace the initial "v" with "t": "tu", "te", "ti" etc.
- To express the sex of the speaker/addresse in the first or second person, one can add the prefix "i-" for male sex or "e-" for female sex: "iia, ima, imi, ivu, ive, ivi, eia, ema, emi, evu, eve, evi".
- To express the sex in the second person neutral and plural, one can replace the inital "o-" with "i-" for male sex or "e-" for female sex: "ine", "ini", "ene", "eni" etc.
- The pronoun "ono" expresses not only inanimate things, but also animate people, animals etc. whose sex is unknown or unimportant.


0 - nul
1 - edin
2 - dve
3 - tri
4 - cjetiri
5 - pat
6 - sjest
7 - sedem
8 - osem
9 - devet
10 - desat
100 - sto
1 000 - tisic

Numerals from 11 to 19 are formed by adding "-nast" to the numeral from 1 to 9:

11 - edinnast
12 - dvanast
13 - trinast
14 - cjetirinast
15 - patnast
16 - sjestnast
17 - sedemnast
18 - osemnast
19 - devetnast

Other numerals are formed simply:

50 - patdesat
51 - patdesat edin
68 - sjestdesat osem
70 - sedemdesat
111 - sto edinnast
200 - dvesto
300 - tristo
597 - patsto devetdesat sedem

Ordinal numerals are formed by adding of the adjectival ending:

9th - devetih
13th - trinastih
60th - sjestdesatih
300th - tristoih

Ordinal numerals from 0 to 4 are formed irregularly:

0th - nultih
1st - pervih
2nd - drugih
3rd - tretih
4th - cjetiretih

Fractions are formed by the suffix "-in-" and are treated like all other nouns:

1/9 - devetin(a)
1/13 - trinastin(a)
1/60 - sjestdesatin(a)
1/300 - tristoin(a)
3/9 - tri devetini
3/13 - tri trinastini
38/60 - tridesat osem sjestdesatini
146/300 - sto tridesat sjest tristoini

Fractions from 2 to 4 are formed irregularly:

1/2 - polovin(a)
1/3 - tretin(a)
1/4 - cjetirin(a)

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- Verb stem derived from verbal root is identical with the verbal root: "pisa", "vide", "govori", "mogu".
- Verb stem derived from nominal root is formed by adding "o" to the nominal root: "pero", "belo".
- Infinitives are formed by adding "-t" to the verb stem: "pisat", "videt", "govorit", "mogut", "perot" (to write with a pen), "belot" (to whiten).

- In present tense, following endings are added to the verb stem:

first person singular - "-m": ia pisam, ia videm, ia govorim, ia mogum, ia perom, ia belom
second person singular, intimate form - "-sj": tu pisasj, tu videsj, tu govorisj, tu mogusj, tu perosj, tu belosj
third person singular: "-t": on pisat, ona videt, ono govorit, on mogut, ona perot, ono belot
first person neutral and plural - "-mo": mi pisamo, mi videmo, mi govorimo, mi mogumo, mi peromo, mi belomo
second person (except singular intimate form) - "-te": vi pisate, vi videte, vi govorite, vi mogute, vi perote, vi belote
third person neutral and plural - "-iu": oni pisaiu, oni videiu, oni govoriiu, oni moguiu, oni peroiu, oni beloiu

Those who are unfamiliar with conjugation according to person and number can always use "-t" in present tense.

- In past tense, there are five endings:

singular - "-lo": ia pisalo, tu pisalo, ono pisalo
neutral - "-le": ma pisale, ve pisale, one pisale
plural - "-li": mi pisali, vi pisali, oni pisali
singular masculine - "-l": ia pisal, tu pisal, on pisal
singular feminine - "-la": ia pisala, tu pisala, ona pisala

Those who are unfamiliar with sex distinction can forget the "-l" and "-la" endings and use always "-lo" in singular. Those, who are unfamiliar with conjugation according to number, can always use "-le".

- The future tense is formed by the future form of the verb "to be" + infinitive:

ia budem pisat
tu budesj pisat
ono budet pisat
mi budemo pisat
vi budete pisat
oni budu pisat

Those, who are unfamiliar with conjugation of the verb "to be" according to person and number, can always use "budu".

- Conditional is formed by "bi" + past tense form of the verb:

ia bi pisalo
tu bi pisalo
on bi pisal
ona bi pisala
ono bi pisalo
ma bi pisale
ve bi pisale
one bi pisale
mi bi pisali
vi bi pisali
oni bi pisali

- Past conditional is formed by the past tense form of the verb "to be" + conditional form:

ia bilo bi pisalo
tu bilo bi pisalo
on bil bi pisal
ona bila bi pisala
ono bilo bi pisalo
ma bile bi pisale
ve bile bi pisale
one bile bi pisale
mi bili bi pisali
vi bili bi pisali
oni bili bi pisali

- Imperative is formed by adding endings to the verb stem:

first person - "-ime": mi pisaime, mi videime, mi govoriime, mi moguime, mi peroime, mi beloime
second person singular, intimate form - "-i": tu pisai, tu videi, tu govorii, tu mogui, tu peroi, tu beloi
second person (except singular intimate form) - "-ite": vi pisaite, vi videite, vi govoriite, vi moguite, vi peroite, vi beloite
third person (rarely used) - zero ending: on pisa, ona vide, ono govori, one mogu, one pero, oni belo


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- Some people (e.g. the Chinese) are unfamiliar with the concept of verb tense. For the Chinese, it's simply irrelevant when the action happened / happens / will happen. But even we Slavs sometimes speak generally with no importance of the tense. So besides the three classical tenses, I would introduce the fourth tense (as an option; it wouldn't be mandatory at all). It's ending could be e.g. non-Slavic "-s":

ia pisas
tu pisas
ono pisas
mi pisas
vi pisas
oni pisas


- The verb "to be" is the only irregular verb.
- The infinitive is "bit".
- Present tense:

first person singular - ia iesam
second person singular, intimate form - tu iesi
third person singular - on iest, ona iest, ono iest
first person neutral and plural - mi iesmo
second person (except singular intimate form) - vi ieste
third person neutral and plural - oni iesu

Those who are unfamiliar with conjugation according to person and number can always use "iesi" in present tense.

- In the past tense, there are five forms:

singular - ia bilo, tu bilo, ono bilo
neutral - ma bile, ve bile, one bile
plural - mi bili, vi bili, oni bili
singular masculine - ia bil, tu bil, on bil
singular feminine - ia bila, tu bila, ona bila

Those who are unfamiliar with sex distinction can forget the "bil" and "bila" and use always "bilo" in singular. Those, who are unfamiliar with conjugation according to number, can always use "bile".

- The future tense has got these forms:

first person singular - ia budem
second person singular, intimate form - tu budesj
third person singular - on budet, ona budet, ono budet
first person neutral and plural - mi budemo
second person (except singular intimate form) - vi budete
third person neutral and plural - oni budu

Those, who are unfamiliar with conjugation of the verb "to be" according to person and number, can always use "budu".

- Conditional is formed by "bi" + past tense form:

ia bi bilo
tu bi bilo
on bi bil
ona bi bila
ono bi bilo
ma bi bile
ve bi bile
one bi bile
mi bi bili
vi bi bili
oni bi bili

- Past conditional is formed by the past tense form of the verb "to be" + conditional form:

ia bilo bi bilo
tu bilo bi bilo
on bil bi bil
ona bila bi bila
ono bilo bi bilo
ma bile bi bile
ve bile bi bile
one bile bi bile
mi bili bi bili
vi bili bi bili
oni bili bi bili

- Imperative is formed this way:

first person - mi budimo
second person singular, intimate form - tu budi
second person (except singular intimate form) - vi budite
third person (rarely used) - on budo, ona budo, ono budo, one budo, oni budo

- The neutral tense has got these forms:

ia es
tu es
ono es
mi es
vi es
oni es


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- Suffixes are added either to verbal stem (nominal root + "o") or to verbal root.
- This list intends to be only a brief example about what the suffixes will look like, not a complete list of them.

-cj- - male (ucjitel > ucjitelocj, priatel > priatelocj)
-dl- - tool (rezit > rezidla)
-lk- - thing (novih > novolka, rezultit > rezultilka)
-ln- - room (cjaa > cjaolna, zabavat > zabavalna)
-n- - female (komunonista > komunonistona, ucjitel > ucjitelona)
-nan- - member (senat > senatonan)
-nek- - container (dengi > dengonek)
-nik- - person somehow related to the basic word (mlodih > mlodonik, robit > robinik)
-nist- - follower, adherent (komun > komunonista)
-sjti- - place, area (pesok > pesokosjtia, ucjit > ucjisjtia)
-tel - person professionaly related to the basic word (zuba > zubotel, ucjit > ucjitel)
-teln- - possible (vidit > viditelnih)
-v- - material, substance (dreva > drevova)
-va- - emphasising of the imperfective aspect, repeated or continual action (begit > begivania, molvit > molvivat)
-vost- - quality (priatel > priatelovosta, dobrih > dobrovosta)


- Verbal participles are derived from verbs but they don't work like verbs any more. Their basic form is an adjective.

- Passive participles are formed by verb stem + "n" + adjectival ending:

Ona iest lubovinih ot cjazjektori.
Kado otec molotil sinu, sin bil molotinih.
Avgusta budet moi mesiac nai-lubovinih.
Denge imanih bi bile visje-vazjnih cjem denge utratinih.
Vrobec ulovinih bilo bi bilo visje-dobrih cjem orel na krisja.

- Present active participles are formed by verb stem + "c" + adjectival ending:

Voda tecjicih iest visje-cjistih cjem voda ne-peremisticih.
Vremu pridicih nikta esjto znat.
Ozeru pokrivaiu listi plavacih.
On padal pod ehacih poezdu.
Cjazjekado, kado ona bila vernucih, ona bistro begila vo domu.

- Present active participles are formed by verb stem + "vsj" + adjectival ending:

Bozja prosto izvinit da luda grehivsjih ne-znaco.
Padavsjih luda ne-mogul stanit horo.
On bil skazavsjih mne pravdu.

- The participles can take the adverbial "-o" ending, then they express an act done by the same subject:

On pridil ko ia celo ne-ocjekano.
Docja idila, no sjepotico.
Naidivsjo iabloku ia edal ho.

- The participles can take the suffix "-nik-" to indicate a person:

Kado brat molotit sestru, brat iest moloticonik i sestra iest molotinonik.
On iest tolko edino-vremih lgavsjonik, no tu iesi cjazjekadih lgaconik.

- The participles can take the suffix "-lk-" to indicate a thing:

Ia ne-berim mnogo balinolkeg.
Toi rasticolka ne-budet produktot muku.
Ia darim ho tebe kako garanticolku oz moi vernunie.

(The suffix "-lk-" has got more passive than active meaning - thus the second and the third sentences should always look like this, while the first sentence could be simplified: "Ia ne-berim mnogo balilkeg.")

- The basic forms of the participles of the irregular verb "to be" are:

present active participle - buducjih (with regular derivations - buducjo, buducjonik, buducjolka)
past active participle - bivsjih (with regular derivations - bivsjo, bivsjonik, bivsjolka)
passive participle would have no sence


- Some basic prepositions look like this:

without - bez
with - so
above - nad
under - pod
near - pri
in - vo
out, from - iz
by - ot
by means of - posred
because of - pre
for - dla
universal preposition - ie

- Every preposition is always followed by the nominative. The same as in Slovio, the only exception serves to indicate a direction by means of the accusative:

Trebit egzistit zapadih doroga vo Indiu. Posle ogo naidinia mi moguli bit vo India.
Pes begilo vo domu. Posleo ono bilo vo dom.
Ia polozjil ho na vaiu stolu. Tepero ono iest na vaiu stol.
Ia hotem idit vo nebesih kroloniu. Posleo ia bi bil vo nebesih krolonia.


ktora---- nektora---- liboktora---- niktora---- cjazjektora---- inoktora---- taktora-- ETA-tut-------- ETA-------- edvaktora---- samoktora----
kta------ nekta------ libokta------ nikta------ cjazjekta------ inokta------ takta---- TUTE-tut------- TUTE------- edvakta------ samokta------
cjte----- necjte----- libocjte----- nicjte----- cjazjecjte----- inocjte----- tacjte--- TOTA-tut------- TOTA------- edvacjte----- samocjte-----
kakih---- nekakih---- libokakih---- nikakih---- cjazjekakih---- inokakih---- takakih-- tamokakih-tut-- tamokakih-- edvakakih---- samokakih----
kado----- nekado----- libokado----- nikado----- cjazjekado----- inokado----- takado--- TEPERO--------- tamokado--- edvakado----- samokado-----
kako----- nekako----- libokako----- nikako----- cjazjekako----- inokako----- TAK------ tamokako-tut--- tamokako--- edvakako----- samokako-----
pre-cjte- pre-necjte- pre-libocjte- pre-nicjte- pre-cjazjecjte- pre-inocjte- BO------- pre-TOTA-tut--- pre-TOTA--- pre-edvacjte- pre-samocjte-
gdo------ negdo------ libogdo------ nigdo------ cjazjegdo------ inogdo------ tagdo---- TUTO----------- TAMO------- edvagdo------ samogdo------
skolko--- neskolko--- liboskolko--- niskolko--- cjazjeskolko--- inoskolko--- taskolko- tamoskolko-tut- tamoskolko- edvaskolko--- samoskolko---
cjoi----- necjoi----- libocjoi----- nicjoi----- cjazjecjoi----- inocjoi----- tacjoi--- tamocjoi-tut--- tamocjoi--- edvacjoi----- samocjoi-----

(The minus signs only format the table in this text file, spaces should be instead of them.)

- The correlatives in this table are ordered in the same way as in the corresponding Slovio table ( ) so their meanings should be clear.
- The correlatives beginning in "samo-" mean "the same".
- Correlatives ending in "-a" (ktora, kta, ...) can be pluralised (ktori, kti), accusatived (ktoru, ktu) etc. the same as regular nouns.
- Correlatives ending in "-e" (cjte, ...) are in the neutral number. They can be accusatived. Thoretically, they can also be put into singular (cjta) or plural (cjti) but these forms are not likely to have some sence.
- Irregular forms are written in capital letters.



These names have got special roots, for example:


Names of countries are formed by "-ia" ending and the result word is treated like any other noun (so it is "-iu" in accusative, "-ii" in plural etc.):

Usonia (USA)
Kubia ("Kubia" is the state, "Kuba" is the island)

Common names of people related to the countries are formed by the suffix "-an" (and again, the result word is treated like any other noun, so the accusative is "-anu", plural "-ani" etc.):


These names will probably be used the most often, they are the most general. But there are two possible distinctions:

If one wants to express that the person belongs exactly to the ethnicity and nationality of the basic root (no matter where the person lives now), one can use the suffix "-onik":


If one wants to express that the person lives in the particular country (whatever nationality and ethnicity the person may have), one can use the "-ian" suffix:


So for example a Chinese living in Russia can be called both "cjinonik" (but not "cjinian") and "rusian" (but not "rusonik"). But this person can be reffered to as either "cjinan" or "rusan".


Proper names should always be written in their native alphabet and a pronunciation should be added in brackets. In a Latin-alphabet text, one should also add a Latin transliteration (or transcription) of the name if the original alphabet of the name isn't Latin. In a Cyrilic-alphabet text, one should also add a Cyrilic transliteration (or transcription) of the name if the original alphabet of the name isn't Cyrilic.
So every name should be written in two or three ways so that it could be always recognisable and further useable by the reader. One doesn't have to use all three parts:
* if technical limitations don't allow the writer to combine two alphabets in one text,
* if the writer doesn't know the original spelling, the correct prunciation or the required transliteration and if the writer isn't able to find the required information about the name,
* if the name already occured in the text previously (so it wouldn't be practical to always repeat all two/three ways of writing the name; one can offer all required ways only at the first occurence of the name and to use only one of the two/three ways then).

General words which originated as national specialities but which are internationally known now are adopted as regular GS-Slovianski words, they are written in GS-Slovianski orthography, pronounced in a GS-Slovianski way and they accept GS-Slovianski grammatical endings:

Posle koncerta mi idili vo picolnu, ktora imalo picov iz mnogo zemi.
Ia edam velmo dobro-vkusih knedlikov so gulasj podla starih predpis iz Bohemia, gdo svadzjena oz moi nai-mlodih brat bila rodinih.
Subotako ia ucjastil kursu karateih.
Vigvam iest podobih da tipia.


Nasj otec, ktora iesi vo nebes,
sviatonih budo toi imen,
pridi krolonia toi,
budo hotenia toi kako vo nebes tak na Zemla,
hlebu nasj cjazje-denih darii nam dneso,
i izvinii nam nasj grehov, tak kako mi izvinimo nasj grehoconikov,
i ne vestii nas vo pokusiniu,
no nas spasii proti zla.



The idea of a language for mutual communication both of Slavs and of those interested in Slavic affairs is really good. Slovio could certainly work as this language but there is no reason for accepting such language when we can have a better one. That's why I give my proposal of a better pan-Slavic language. A lot of my proposal's features are only my personal ideas and nothing bad will happen if they are accepted in a modified way or if current Slovio version is found better. But there are two basic Slovio's features that are really non-Slavic, look odd and could be done much better:


The Slovio's endings "-(i)s", "-(u)f" and "-(i)fs" are non-Slavic. Yes, it isn't possible for everything to be 100%ly Slavic, but these endings influence the final appearence and sound of the language so badly that they are unacceptable. It's quite clear that Slavic plurals don't naturally end in a consonant but in a vowel - most often "-i". Many current Slavic conlangers try to introduce a system in which one cannot recognise the singular form when one knows only the plural form ending in "-i" - this is also unacceptable. That's why I introduce a system whose kernel is taken from Esperanto, only endings are different. It means that basis of the language isn't formed by words ending either in a consonant or in a vowel, but by roots which end mostly in a consonant.

What looks more Slavic - "lud - ludis" or "luda - ludi"? What looks more Slavic - "zxen > zxenis" or "zjena - zjeni", "pes > pesis" or "pes > pesi"? What looks more Slavic - "dom - domis" or "dom - domi", "knig - knigis" or "kniga - knigi", "nocx > nocxis" or "noc - noci"? What looks more Slavic - "pero - peros" or "per - peri", "kanoe - kanoes" or "kanoa - kanoi", "iglu - iglus" or "iglua - iglui", "historia - historias" or "historia - historii"?

You may have plenties of prejudices or even rational arguments against Esperanto, but you can't deny that the Esperanto-based system produces a greater number of more natural words than Slovio's system. You call the Slovio's system "natural" because it has no "artificially truncated" roots. However, the "artificial truncation" isn't the only criterion of naturality. In Esperanto, singular nouns end in "-o" and plural nouns in "-oj"; in Ido, singular nouns end in "-o" and plural nouns in "-i". In the same way, GS-Slovianski uses "-a" for singular nouns and "-i" for plural nouns. In both Esperanto and Ido, one can elise the ending of singular noun. In commonly used Esperanto and Ido, this doesn't occur very often, but in GS-Slovianski this feature is intended to be used much more frequently. This ensures the fact that even in singualar nominative, GS-Slovianski renders most Slavic words in their natural form. Yes, Slovio's "pero" is more natural than GS-Slovianski's "per", Slovio's "kanoe" is more natural than GS-Slovianski's "kanoa", Slovio's "iglu" is more natural than GS-Slovianski's "iglua". But is also Slovio's "peros" more Slavic than GS-Slovianski's "peri", is Slovio's "kanoes" more Slavic than GS-Slovianski's "kanoi", is Slovio's "iglus" is more Slavic than GS-Slovianski's "iglui"? I don't think so. Singular nominative noun and plural nominative noun are very common grammatical forms, they occur in almost every sentence. That's why their naturality should be well balanced. Unlike Slovio, whose singular nominative nouns are 100%ly Slavic, but plural nominative nouns are completely non-Slavic.

This Esperanto-based system also enables us to use more natural accusative endings - "-u" and "-ov" instead of "-(u)f" and "-(i)fs".


Slovio doesn't make a mistake about the opinon that our language should be writeable on all computers without difficulties. But even with this premise, we mustn't give up the basic need for Slavicity. The "cx", "sx" and "zx" look really very odd and non-Slavic. Maybe the Slavs can understand them but this doesn't imply that a language who intends to represent all Slavs should use so non-Slavic orthography. You might argue that the Slovio's system creates no confusions with foreign words. However, if Slovio used e.g. "cz", "sz" or "zz", it would create a confusion in one of about thousand sentences - while the system of "cx", "sx" and "zx" creates a non-Slavicity in almost every sentence. Moreover, there is no need for the fear of such confusions - general words should be written phonetically (shouldn't they?) and proper names are always capitalised, so the reader can always recognise them.

In this proposal, I use "cj", "sj" and "zj", but the previous variant "cz", "sz" and "zz" is still in consideration. As you might have read on the Slavsk Beseda, some Slavs didn't like especially "zz". That's why I got an idea that "j" is already abolished and it is generally known to many Slavs as a softener.

The "j" has been abolished much earlier than I introduced "cj", "sj" and "zj". The reasons were following:

- Sound difference between "i" and "j" is often very small, so it would be confusing to have two letters for these two almost identical sounds.
- As far as Cyrilic-writing Slavs are concerned, e.g. Serbs use different "j" than Russians, so it wouldn't be practical to use only Russian "j" because Serbs have no simple possibility to write the Russian "j" (they have another "j" on their Cyrilic keyboards).

So "j" had been abolished, but "cz", "sz" and "zz" were still in use. After some time, I realised the possibility to use the "j" for the puropose of "softening" of "c", "s" and "z" and I publish this idea for the first time in this proposal. There are also other possibilities to write the sounds of Slovio's "cx", "sx" and "zx" - they should also be discussed. Six years ago, Slavic appearence wasn't considered vary much while creating the Latin orthography of the pan-Slavic language, so this mistake should be corrected now.


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by Eugeniusx Slovik

ISP-Slovio Version 0.5
Inter-Slavju Pidzxin (ISP)

A Gramatika
The main characteristic of ISP-Slovio is to drop all grammatical features which are not common in all living Slavic languages, i.e.:
1. No cases, except in the personal pronouns
2. No declination of nouns, adjectives and adverbs, e.g.:
    Dom velju (= the house is big) > Idijm do dom (= I go home)
3. No articles, e.g.: Dom velju
4. No present tense of “to be”, e.g.: Dom (je) velju (= the house is big)
5. No infinitive

I Spelling and Alphabet
Slovio has the same alphabet as English, and the same one that can by typed and read on just about every computer in the world:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Slovio has 27 phonemes: 22 consonants and 5 vowels. Of the above letters (except for foreign words) usually only the following 27 letters/combinations are being used:
a b c cx d e f g gx h i j k l
m n o p r s sx t u v wx z zx
c - as English "ts" in cats
cx - as English "ch" in cheese
g - as English "g" in gorilla, get, give
gx - as English "g" in general
h - depending on the speaker can be pronounced
either as English "h", Spanish "j", or German "h" / "ch".
j - as English "y" in yes, yeast
sx - as English "sh" in ship
wx - as English "shch" in wishchest
zx - as English "s" in usual
other consonants more or less as in English
Five vowels: a, e, i, o, u - more or less as in Italian, Spanish, Polish, German.

Slovio can be also written using the Cyrillic alphabet
All foreign words can be used in Slovio without change.

II Noun
ISP-Slovio Nouns: don't have any special endings, don't have any declensions, have always the same form. The only exception is singular - plural.
1.    Numerus
There are two ways of building the plural of nouns:
1.1 By adding -i to the noun. namely:
Nouns ending with a consonat: dom > dom-i, muzx > muzx-i
Nouns ending with a vowel and foreign words ending with -ia, build the plural as follows:
a) zxen-a > zxen-i
b) histor-ia > histori; organizac-ia > organizac-i
1.2 By adding a number or an adjectve like mnogju (many) or neskolko (few) before the noun.
Especially for foreign words ending with “u” or “o” the following way should be used:
Jedin guru > dva guru; jedin trio > dva trio.

III Adjective
1.    The ending of common adjectives is “-ju”.
Examples: dobrju = good; velju = big; silaju = strong. As in English, adjectives do not change their form. They may be placed either before (as is usual in English) or after (as is usual in Spanish) the noun which they qualify. For example, zelenju trava (green grass) or trava zelenju, velju dom (big house) or dom velju. Adjectives don't have a plural form and are gender neutral. Important notice: in words ending with -ia, -ie the ending -ju is not added to -ia / -ie but it replaces -ia/-ie. Na primer: history-ia > history-ju.
2.    The ending of adjectives for languages and people is “-ski”.
Examples: Polsk-a > polski; Rus-ia > ruski; Bulgar-ia > bulgarski, Slovian > Slovianski
3.    Comparative and Superlative of Adjectives
Comparative and superlative adjectives are made using the words plus, maks and min. For example:
plus = MORE. Examples: plus velju = bigger; plus mlodju = younger; "Ti plus krasju cxem ja." = you are more beautiful than I.
minus = LESS. Examples: minus velju = less big;
maks = THE-MOST. Examples: maks velju the biggest; maks mlodju the youngest; Maks krasju mlodica. (The most beautiful girl.)
min = THE-LEAST. Examples: min velju = the smallest; min mlodju = the least young.

IV Adverb
1.    There are original and derived adverbs. Original ones are, e.g.: tam (= there), zdes (= here), ocxin (= very), pocxti (= almost) itd…
2.    Derived adverbs are formed by adding -uo: dobruo = well; bistruo = quickly. Just as with the adjectives, comparatives and superlatives are made using the words plus, maks and min. dobruo = well, plus dobruo = better, etc...

V Numbers
1.    Cardinal Numbers

0 = nul
1 = din
2 = dva
3 = tri
4 = cxtir
5 = piat
6 = sxes
7 = siem
8 = vos
9 = dev
10 = des
11 = des-din
12 = des-dva
13 = des-tri
20 = dva-des
21 = dva-des-din
22 = dva-des-dva
23 = dva-des-tri
30 = tri-des
40 = cxtir-des
50 = piat-des
60 = sxes-des
70 = siem-des
80 = vos-des
90 = dev-des
100 = sto
200 = dva-sto
300 = tri-sto
1000 = tisicx
10000 = des-tisicx
100000 = sto-tisicx
1000000 = milion =

2.    Ordinal Numbers

0 = nulju
1 = dinju (pervju)
2 = dvaju
3 = triju
4 = cxtirju
5 = piatju
6 = sxesju
7 = siemju
8 = vosju
9 = devju
10 = desju
11 = des-pervju
12 = des-dvaju
13 = des-triju
14 = des-cxtirju
15 = des-piatju
16 = des-sxesju
17 = des-siemju
18 = des-vosju
19 = des-devju
20 = dva-desju
21 = dva-des-pervju
22 = dva-des-dvaju
23 = dva-des-triju
24 = dva-des-cxtirju
25 = dva-des-piatju
26 = dva-des-sxesju
27 = dva-des-siemju
28 = dva-des-vosju
29 = dva-des-devju
30 = tri-desju
40 = cxtir-desju
50 = piat-desju
60 = sxes-desju
70 = siem-desju
80 = vos-desju
90 = dev-desju
100 = stoju
200 = dva-stoju
300 = tri-stoju
400 = cxtir-stoju
1000 = tisicxju
10000 = des-tisicxju
100000 = sto-tisicxju
1000000 = din-milionju

Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski

VI Pronoun
1.    Personal Pronoun
I        you         we         you (pl)
Subjective        ja         ti        mi         vi   
Objective        mne         te(be)         nas         vas
he        it         she         they
Subjective        on         ono         ona         oni   
Objective        jego         jego         jejo         ih

2.    Reflexive pronoun
The reflexive pronoun is “se”, e.g.: Ja kupil se kniga; mi kupili se kniga.
3.    Demonstrative pronoun
The demonstrative pronouns, like eto (= this), to (= that), takoi (= such), do not change.
4.    Possessive pronoun
The possessive pronouns only change in gender (not obligatory and only if gender is known) and number:

        m        f         pl
my        moj         (moja)         (moi)
your        tvoj         (tvoja)         (tvoi)
his        (je)go         -        -
her        (je)jo         -        -
our        nasx         (nasxa)         (nasxi)
your        wasx         (wasxa)         (wasxi)
their        ih         -        -

VII Preposition

VIII Conjunction   
i    and
a    and, but counterstatement
no    but
potomu sxto    because
tak kak    as
jesli    if
gde    where
hotia    although
sxto    that
sxtobi    that

IX Particle
Particles are part of the structure words.
bi     used to form the conditional tense
vot    here, look there
da    yes
dazxe    even
jest    (it) is (available)
li    used to form questions
ne    not
niet    no
ni    not, no (one)
nu interjection    well
oi interjection    oh
pust    shall
pust dati igrajut! (= shall the children play!)

X Verb
1.    Infinitive
There is no infinitive form of a verb. Therefore the infinitive is being formed from the first person singular present preceded by the particle “da”:
Da cxitajm (= to read)
2.    Tempora
ISP-Slovio has only three Tempora: present tense, past tense and future tense
2.1    Present Tense Conjugation
Present tense:    ( ja) cxita-jm              I read
        (ti) cxita-jsx             you read
        (on, ona, ono) cxita-jt         he, she, it reads
        (mi) cxita-jme             we read
        (vi) cxita-jte             you read
        (oni) cxita-jut             they read

2.2    Past tense

Past tense does not have personal noun endings, but in the singular three gender endings and in the plural only one common ending:

        Ja cxita-l m
        Ja cxita-la f
        Ti cxita-l m
        Ti cxtia-la f
        On cxita-l m
        Ona cxita-la f
        Ono cxita-lo n
        Mi cxita-li pl
        Vi cxita-li pl
        Oni cxita-li pl

2.3    Future tense

The future tense is formed by placing the particle „sxte” before the verbal form for the present tense:

        ( ja) sxte cxita-jm          I will read
        (ti) sxte cxita-jsx         you will read
        (on, ona, ono) sxte cxita-jt     he, she, it will read
        (mi) sxte cxita-jme         we will read
        (vi) sxte cxita-jte         you will read
        (oni) sxte cxita-jut         they will read

3.    Imperative

There are two forms of commanding, ordering or asking someone (or others) to do something:

The 2nd person singular for one individual, e.g.:


The 2nd person plural for more than one person, e.g.:


4.    Participle

4.1    Present participle
The present participle is formed by adding “-ja” to the stem of the verb, e.g.:
Cxita-ja, govor-ja …
4.2    Past participle
The past particple has the same form as the past tense:
Cxital, cxitala. Cxitalo, cxitali

5.    Conditional Tense

The conditional tense is made by placing the particle „bi” before or after the verbal form for the past tense, but immediately after the conjugation “jesli”:

Ja hotel bi (= I like ). Mi bi pridili, jesli bi vi nas prizvali.

6.    Passive

The passive is being formed by placing the reflexive particle after the verb:

Dom prodat se the house is being sold
Dom prodatoval se The house has been sold

XI Word Order


1.    Structure Words

About 100 structure words make up 50 % of a normal text. ISP-Slovio will be using the structure words of the Russian language. Will be published soon.

2.    Vocabulary

For the rest of the vocabulary please refer to Slovio 27.4u
Some differences will be published later

Written and developed by Eugeniusx Slovik

For the Slovio community

Neustadt an der Aisch 04.01.2011

About the Author:
The author, Eugeniusz Ignacy Slowik, is a diaspornik (diaspora Slav) born in Poland of Polish parents who has grown up, from early age on, in Germany. Due to the German forced assimilation laws, which in fact violate the Genocide laws, Eugeniusx was prevented from attending Polish schools, from learning Polish and from an adequate contact with Polish and other Slavic cultures and languages. He has grown up knowing only German (and whatever other languages he learned in school, i.e. English) not knowing any Slavic languages, not even his native Polish. His interest in Slavic languages came in adulthood, when he had discovered Slovio, which he had found to be the ideal Slavic language for him to learn, a language with simple spelling, grammar and pronunciation. A language much simpler than Polish or Czech, a language he could write on his German keyboard. But he went further than that. He learned Slovio and then he tailored it to his needs. The result is: ISP.




SLOVIENSK is a Slovio-dialect going in the opposite direction of Slovianski-dialects. Contrary to Slovianski the Sloviensk promoters believe that Slovio grammar is too complicated and that it should be even simpler. Most Sloviensk-words appear to be stripped of any suffixes and prefixes all the way down to the root. Just like Slovianski also Sloviensk has originated on Slovio-sponsored forums, namely on in January 2008.


Here are a few examples of Sloviensk:

Dobr den, Dobr utro, Dobr vec'er, Zdravo, Dak te

Moz'e ti gvorit me put do tren stacia ?
Da, to es rovno ideiuc nado to put.
Dak te.
Ti ne ima pro c'o.
Do videnie.


OLD SLOVIANSKI-N (Dead-Slovianski)

So-called Slovianski-N (Dead-Slovianski) is perhaps the most complicated version of the antiquated Slovio-dialects. It has grammar as complex as the most complicated Slavic grammar.

Just like the other Slovianski variants also this dead Slovio-dialect (Slovianski-N) was born on the Slovio forums. Even though he had contributed nothing to the creation or invention of Slovianski-N, the talented Jewish translator, Jan van Steenbergen, apparently "appropriated" this project, this Slovio-dialect, around 2008 or 2009, as if it had been his own invention. The only "contribution" he has made to his version of Slovianski is that he had made it incomprehensibly complicated. This violates the entire central idea of Slovio and of every other inter-language: SIMPLICITY.

On the main page of his counterfeit version of Slovianski there is a big lie: "Slovianski is a Slavic interlanguage created in 2006 as the collaborative effort of a group of people from several countries, gathered in the Slovianski Forum." In fact Slovianski was created on Slovio forum: His counterfeit Slovianski forum and his version of Slovianski did not even exist before 2008! After the creation of NovoSlovianski Steenbergen version of Slovianski became known as "Old-Slovianski" or as "Dead-Slovianski".

The talented Jewish translator Jan van Steenbergen is married has three children and lives partly in Zaandam, Holland (Zuiddijk 165) and partly in the mid-Polish town of Opoczno (ul. Waryńskiego 6), where (reportedly) he had been given several poperties by the Polish government as a restitution to the inheritors and relatives of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Before WWII, until the Nazis have decimated its Jewish population, the town of Opoczno was about 38% Jewish.

The imaginative and energetic Jewish translator and conlanger, Mr. Jan van Steenbergen, translates between Dutch, English and Polish but his main income appears to be rental income from the above mentioned properties. His greatest contribution to the linguistics lies in the successful mass-production of totally fictitious, incomprehensible and irrelevant languages. He has mass-produced several of them.

Furthermore Mr. Jan van Steenbergen appears to have a superior ability to take creations of others and after a few cosmetic changes to call them his own.

NovoSlovianski REPLACES the old, outdated and dead "Slovianski-N" as well as other antiquated Slovianski versions.




This is another "totally independent and original" Slovio clone. Unlike Mr. Steenbergen, the "creator" Steeven Radzikowski (fake name) made no secrets that it is based on Slovio, in fact a minor modification of Slovio...

Just about the only difference between Slovio-ski and Slovio are several (mostly cosmetic) modifications of the grammar, spelling and vocabulary. The greatest damage this and other Slovio-clones create is that they confuse the potential student of Slavic languages. While Slovio created a unified communication platform these clone-creators are seeking fame at the expense of that common interslavic language.


Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski


FLEXIBLE GRAMMAR  Open Slovio Project = you can participate

The flexible grammar, orthography and vocabulary feature of Slovio has been added in the second half of 2007. This means that Slovio enables users to use - apart from the standard - also several alternate endings or spelling systems in order to achieve maximum flexibility and to allow and encourage the further development and improvement of the language. Furthermore Slovio enables users to use other words than those in the standard Slovio dictionary, since it contains some words on which there is not a 100% agreement. This will make it possible to determine, with time, the words which need to be changed or added to the Slovio dictionary. Just like any natural language, Slovio is an open-ended project, an open language, subject to changes and external influences.

For example to indicate object or direction Slovio can use the following endings for singular nouns: "-(u)f, -(u)g or -(u)m" and for plural nouns: "-(i)fs, -(i)ms" or "-(u)mis".  Other feature of Slovio's flexibility is the possibility to replace the standard adjective and adverb endings of "-ju" and "-uo" with "-sk".

Furthermore, since there is some opposition to the Slovio use of "-(i)s" for the formation of plural, we suggest that users, if they prefer, experimentally use just the letter "-i" to form the plural, independent of whether the noun ends with a wovel or consonant. The demand that Slovio truncates all nouns, in order for all nouns to end with a consonant, seems, at least for now, premature. It may happen in the future but for now we feel it would cause more problems than it solves. While there are some truncated words in Slovio dictionary, only those words whose truncation causes no confusion have been shortened.
Letters - Bukvas
While using some of the above non-standard and experimental endings, user should be careful to make sure that the usage does not create any kind of misunderstanding. The use of the standard grammatical endings according to our knowledge does not create such conflicts nor confusion. Concerning Slovio spelling and orthography it is possible to replace "x" with an apostrophe. Once more, we warn users that on diffeerent keyboards there are several similar-looking 'apostrophes', which have different ASCII codes and that the end result may look on different computers very different, even illegible.

Slovio flexible grammar allows even such grammar modifications as have been discribed in Modern-Slovianski.

TOP     Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski





BAZE GRAMATIKA - základná gramatika

ABCD - abeceda
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, u, v, z
22 základných písmen / hlások

' - pomocný znak pre tvorenie iných hlások

c' = č 
s' = š 
z' = ž 
h' = ch )

Just like "Slovianski" also "Slovano" has originated on the  forum - as another Slovio-inspired Slovio-dialect. It was first published in the fall of 2006.



Každá hláska predstavuje jedno písmeno a každé písmeno predstavuje jednu hlásku.
Keď počujete slovo, môžete ho napísať, keď ho vidíte, môžete ho vysloviť.
Neexistuje tam žiadny prízvuk na slabikách. 

q, w, y, x, ch - použitie len vo vlastných menách (Sydney, Cyprus, Egypt, Quito, Olympia, Otawa, Aachen, Chemnitz, Mexiko)
Písanie mien/názvov prevzatých z iných jazykov, napr. Lydia, Yvonne, Quatro, Xavier, Felix, Willson, New York,, Wiena
Originálne názvy : Londin, Paris, Beograd ( ale Anglia - Anglicko, Vele Britania - Veľká Británia, Bavoria - Bavorsko)
dz' (dž) - ( napr. dz'em, dz'us, dz'ez, dz'avot, dz'ban, lodz'ia, Dz'ibuti )
i = y (olimpiada, diza, fizika, dinamika, simbol, bicikel )

SUBSTANTIVI - podstatné mená

SINGULAR - Jednotne cislo - má prirodzený tvar :
sport, dinamika, olimpiada, diza, otec, mama, devica, junak, deta, mitologia, veda, radio, hiperbola, fikcia, stancia, 
papir, teleskop, planeta, kosmos, more, ezero (jazero), reka (rieka), gora (hora), metal (kov), gas (plyn),aeroplan, vicitor(víťaz)
denar (peniaz), z'itie (život), kon (kôň), c'ovek / homin (človek), zover (zviera), dimenzia (rozmer), kombustia(spalovanie)
ekipaz' (posádka)galaksia, orbita(obežná dráha), raketa, erupcia(výbuch), gravitacia(príťažlivosť), univerzum(vesmír)
PLURAL - Množné číslo sa tvorí pridaním - i na koniec podstatného mena :
lumen - lumeni, otec - oteci, bratr - bratri, komputer - komputeri, sport - sporti, brat - brati, kamarat - kamarati,kastel-kasteli
nacion - nacioni, dar - dari, zover - zoveri, denar - denari, aeroplan - aeroplani(lietadlá), aviator - aviatori(letci)
sientist - sientisti / vedar - vedari, ekipaz' - ekipaz'i, human - humani, vec - veci, ciklus - ciklusi, ocean - oceani, svit - sviti(svetlá) 
Substantivi so konc'enie so -a, -e, -i, -o, -u, -ia, -io, -eo, -ea - Podstatné mená končiace na -a, -e, -i, -o, -u, -ia, -io, -eo, - ea :
nome - nomi, mama - mami, auto - auti, televizia - televizii, radio - radii, sestra - sestri, teta - teti, dimenzia-dimenzii, rosa-rosi
kamera - kameri, posta - posti, funga-fungi, litera - literi, materia - materii, astera - asteri, herba - herbi, centro-centri
herba - herbi, ska - ski, planeta - planeti, voda - vodi, more - mori, reka - reki, dolina - dolini, horina - horini, striga-strigi
numero - numeri, linea - linei, video - videi, idea - idei, strategia - strategii, bakteria - bakterii, arteria - arterii

Substantivi z'ivote, pri kor mi h'cet specifikit rod to moz'et mat pred substantivi : ten, ta
Podstatné mená životné, pri ktorých chceme špecifikovať rod majú pred podstatným menom : ten, ta 
Substantivi ov maskuline rod - pred substantivi es - Podstatné mená mužského rodu - pred podstatným menom : - ten
ten muz', ten kon, ten pes, ten orol, ten krokodil, ten lev, ten slon, ten delfin, ten direktor, ten s'ofer, ten europan
Substantivi ov femine rod - pred substantivi es - Podstatné mená ženského rodu - pred podstatným meno : - ta 
ta german - nemka, ta anglian - angličanka, ta Slovakian - slovenka,
ta europan - európanka, ta s'ofer - šoférka
ta direktor - riaditeľka, ta robotar - robotníčka, ta vedar/ ta siencist - vedkyňa
ta orol - orlica, ta slon - slonica, ta lev - levica, ta kot - mačka, ta delfin
Substantivi ov neutrum rod (abo vse ine) - pred substantivi es - Podstatné mená pri ktorých nerozoznávame rod (alebo bez rodu) : 
pred podstatným menom sa môže / nemusí nachádzať : - to (osobné zámeno / ukazovcie zámeno)
to lev(lev/levica), to ursic(medveď/medvedica), to kot(mačka/kocúr), to hus(hus/gunár), to delfin
to dub, to javor, to lipa, to breza, to motil, to ih'tia, to pteric, to zover, to mamal, to insekt
to komputer, to stol, to strom, to ih'tia, to olej, to stolica, to hrnec, to dom, to ulica, to autobus, to list, to zem
Mláďatá sa tvoria slovom mlade, napr. mlade kon - žriebä, mlade kot - mača, mlade kuri - kurence, mlade lev - levíča

Civil ov nacion - Príslušník národa - an / ani (mn.č.)
german(i), italian(i), rusian(i), amerikan(i), c'eh'ian(i), slovakian(i), polakian(i), hungarian(i), spanian(i), 
francian(i), s'vedian(i), ukrainan(i),europan(i), japonian(i), arabian(i), afrikan(i), australian(i),Eskiman(i)
anglian(i), indian(i), ameroindian(i), cigan (i), judean(i), laponian(i), c'inan(i), 

Lingva - jazyk : zakončenie na - o 
germanio - nemčina/nemecky, rusio - ruština/rusky, slovakio - slovenčina/slovensky, c'eh'io - čeština/česky, 
polakio - polština/polsky, slovenio - slovinčina/slovinsky, ukraino - ukrajinčina/ukrajinsky, hebreio, cigano 
latvio - lotiština, lotišsky, litvio - litovčina, litovsky, estonio - estončina,estónsky, anglio - angličtina,anglicky,
keltio, japonio, hebreio, koptio, staroegypto, kec'uano, maio, azteko, arabio, francio, italio, spanio, holandio,
serbio, h'rvatio, macedonio, bulgario, c'ino, basko, katalano, afrikano, esperanto, slovio, ido
ale : interlingva, slavisk, proslava, slovianski, slezan, volapuk, occidental, novial, latina, glosa, dunia 

ADJEKTIVI - prídavné mená
Konc'enie - koncovka: - e
pekne - pekný,á,é, dobre - dobrý, á, é, rihle - rýchly,a,e, sporte - športový,á,é, vesele - veselý,á,é, gigante - obrovský
astere noc - hviezdnatá noc, Geogravitacia - zemská gravitácia, Lune svit - mesačný svit, dene tiket - denný lístok,
komputere hra, televizie program, multe kanal, male lod, polare noc, Helie erupcii 
Severe Polare Cirk - Severný polárny kruh, terme diferencia - teplotný rozdiel, nove - nový,á,é (Nova - novovzniknutá hviezda)
Podstatné mená končiace na - e ostávajú nezmenené (vitale funkcii - životné funkcie, more breg - morské pobrežie)

Gradenie ov adjektivi a adverbi - Stupňovanie prídavných mien a prísloviek
vic / nai - vic pomalo / nai pomalo, vic pekno / nai pekno, vic rihlu / nai rihlu, vic dobru / nai dobru
Tie es vic rih'le kao ten - Oni sú rýchlejší ako on.
Ta il nai pomale zo vse - Ona bola najpomlšia zo všetkých.

ADVERBI - príslovky (adverba - príslovka)
Konc'enie - koncovka : - o
dobro - dobre, pekno - pekne, pomalo - pomaly, stalo - stále, rih'lo - rýchlo, malo - málo, multo - mnoho
horo - hore, dolo - dole, h'itro - chytro, bistro - bystro,pohotovo, velo - veľa, slabo - slabo, stacionaro - stojato
vaz'no - vážne, skoro - skoro, pravo - práve, znovo - znovu, opäť, termo - teplo, mezo - medzi
Podstatné mená končiace na - o ostávajú nezmenené (radio transmite - rádiovo šírené, racio narobite - rozumne urobené) 

PREPOZICI - predložky (prepozicia - predložka)
pri, na, vo, od, do, cez, pod, nad, za, so, zo, po, ku, o(o pet c'asi), predo (predo te), mezo (mezo nacione), pro (pro tau)

KONJUNKCI - spojky (konjunkcia - spojka) a, i, 

TOP  Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski


VERBI - slovesá (verbo - sloveso, slovo)
Neurčitok slovesa + prítomný čas - koncovka - t 
Slovesa sú v akomkoľvek čase vždy v infinitive.
sportit - športovať, grat - hrať, idit - ísť, transpondit - prenášať(signál), printit - tlačiť na tlačiarni, kalkulit - počítať
sekurit - zabezpečiť, publikit - zverejniť, publikovať, kombustit - spaľovať, horieť, skit - lyžovať, skoc'it - skákať,skočiť
* potrebné je vedieť len infinitiv slovesa - všetko ostatné sa odvodzuje od infinitivu. 

- preterite c'as - minulý čas : - l 
- prezente c'as - prítomný čas : - t (infinitiv)
- future c'as - budúci čas : - m 

govorit - govoril - govorim
idet - idel - idem
robit - robil - robim
plavat - plaval - plavam
skribit - skribil - skribim
studirat - studiral - studiram
vedet - vedel - vedem
videt - videl - videm
rozumit - rozumil - rozumim 

Tvorba slovies z podstatnych mien je neobmedzená (sarkazmus - sarkazit, litera - literit, fonia - fonit, skopenie - skopit,
observenie - observit, maenie - mat, laborit - laborenie, skienie - skit, komputenie - komputit, agrenie - agrit, medikenie - medikit)

Konjugacia ov verba - Časovanie slovesa - bit - byť

Prezente c'as - Prítomný čas :
ja es - ja som mi es - my sme
ti es - ty si vi es - vy ste
ten es - on je tie es - oni sú
ta es - ona je
to es - ono/to je

Preterite c'as - Minulý čas :
ja il - ja bol mi il - my boli
ti il - ti bol vi il - vy boli
ten il - on bol tie il - oni boli
ta il - ona bola
to il - ono bolo

Future c'as - Budúci čas :
ja em - ja budem mi em - my budeme
ti em - ti budeš vi em - vy budete
ten em - on bude tie em - oni budú
ta em - ona bude
to em - ono bude

KONDICIONALE FORMA - podmieňovací spôsob : bi + neurčitok
ja bi - ja by som mi bi - mi by sme
ti bi - ty by si vi bi - vy by ste
ten bi - on by tie bi - oni by
ta bi - ona by
to bi - to, ono by

ja bi muset - musel by som

KONDICIONALE FORMA PRETERITE - podmieňovací spôsob minulý : ilbi + neurčitok (bol by)
bi + sloveso v minulom čase
ja bi musel - bol by som musel

Tie bi musel narobit to, ak bil tam - Boli by to museli urobiť, keby tam boli. ( bi + il = bil )
(pri súvetí ak ide o ten istý podmet v hlavnej aj vedľajšej vete sa tento vo vedľajšej vete nemusi uvadzať)

mat - mať(vlastniť), trebit - mať (povinnosť), h'cet - chcieť
moz'et - môcť, smiet - smieť, muset - musieť

robit - robiť
ja robit - ja robim
ja robil - ja som robil
ja robim - ja budem robit
ja bi robit - ja by som robil
ja bi robil - ja by som bol robil

h'cet - chcieť
ja h'cet - ja chcem
ja h'cel - ja som chcel
ja h'cem - ja budem chcieť
ja bi h'cet - ja by som chcel
ja bi h'cel - ja by som bol chcel

mat - mať (vlastniť)
ja mat - ja mam (vlastním)
ja mal - ja som mal (vlastnil som)
ja mam - ja budem mať (vlastniť)
ja bi mat - ja by som mal (vlastnil by som)
ja bi mal - ja by som bol mal (bol by som vlastnil)

trebit - mať (povinnosť), potrebovať
ja trebit - mam (povinnosť), potrebujem
ja trebil - mal som (povinnosť), potreboval som
ja trebim - budem mať (povinnosť, budem potrebovať
ja bi trebit - mal by som (povinnosť), potreboval by som
ja bi trebil - bol by som mal (povinnosť), bol by som potreboval

moz'et - môcť
ja moz'et - ja môžem
ja moz'el - ja som mohol
ja moz'em - ja budem môcť
ja bi moz'et - mohol by som
ja bi moz'el - bol by som mohol

smiet - smieť
ja smiet - ja smiem
ja smiel - ja som smel
ja smiem - ja budem smieť
ja bi smiet - smel by som
ja bi smiel - bol by som smel

muset - musieť
ja muset - ja musím
ja musel - ja som musel
ja musem - ja budem musieť
ja bi muset - musel by som
ja bi musel - bol by som musel

Kvestia - otázka 
Robit ti ? - Robíš ?
Robil ti ? - Robil si ?
Robim ti ? - Budeš robiť ?

Negacia - zápor 
Ja ne robit - ja ne robim
Ja ne robil - ja som nerobil
Ja ne robim - ja nebudem robiť

PASIVE ROD OV VERBO - trpný rod slovesa :
neurčitok slovesa - t pribera koncovku : - e
Sutra es Jupiter vidite zo juge hemisfera - Zajtra je Jupiter videný z južnej pologule.
To il nakalkulite s moi edukator - Bolo to vypočítané mojim učiteľom.
To libro em naskribite o te - Tá kniha bude napísaná o tebe.
Kinetike energia es transferite na svetlo - Kinetická energia je menená na svetlo.

na + sloveso v infinitíve (naskribit, narobit, naedukit, naplanit, navarit, naplantit)
na + infinitiv bez - t + il ( Ja naskribil to do c'era - napísal som to do včera)
na + infinitiv bez - t + em ( Ja narobim to do sutra - urobím to do zajtra)

Tie naskribim to - Napíšu to
Tie ne naskribim to - Nenapíšu to
Tie naskribil to - Napísali to
Tie ne naskribil to - Nenapísali to
Tie muset naskribit to - Musia to napísať
Tie ne muset naskribit to - Nemusia to napísať

PERFEKTE PASIVE FORMA VERBOV - dokonalý tvar trpný rod slovesa na .... te
Libro es naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha je napísaná mojím priateľom
Libro es ne naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha nie je napísaná mojím priateľom
Libro il naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha bola napísaná mojím priateľom
Libro il ne naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha nebola napísaná mojím priateľom
Libro em naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha bude napísaná mojím priateľom
Libro em ne naskribite s moi priatel - Kniha nebude napísaná mojím priateľom

MENENIE STATUSOV - zmena stavu pomocou : pre
vic prevelit - zväčšiť, vic premalit - zmenšiť 
vic preveli - zväčši ! vic premali - zmenši ! (imperatív)
pretmavit - stmavnúť pretmavite - stmavnutý,-á,-é
presvitit - osvetliť presvitite - osvetlený,-á,-é
prestaret - zostarnúť prestarete - zostarnutý,-á,-é
prekamenit - skamenieť prekamenite - skamenený,-á,-é 

OPOZIT - opozit činnosti : roz
vazat / rozvazat - viazať / rozviazať
kluc'it / rozkluc'it - zamknúť / odomknúť
budovat / rozbudovat - budovať(stavať) / búrať

PARTICIP - : so + - enie
So videnie (z'e) to dez'il ten beril parazol - Vidiac že prší, zobral si dáždnik (z'e - nemusí sa použiť)
So s'oferenie auto tie audil muzika - Šoférujúc auto, počúvali hudbu

KREATENIE SUBSTANTIVIOV ZO VERBI - tvorenie podstatných mien zo slovies :
vynechanie koncovej samohlásky + t a pridanie koncovky - enie, plural - eni
singular : robit - robenie, skribit - skribenie, numerit - numerenie, dat - daenie, agrit - agrenie, laborit - laborenie
plural : robeni, skribeni, numereni, daeni, agreni, laboreni


librit (písať knihu) - libro (kniha) - libri (knihy) - librar (knihár) - librari (knihári) 
- librenie (písanie knihy) - nalibrit (napísať knihu) - nalibrenie (napísanie knihy)
- librite (písaná kniha) - nalibrite (napísaná kniha) - libria (knižnica)

literit (písať) - litero (písmeno) - literi (písmená) - literar (pisateľ, spisovateľ) 
- literari (pisatelia, spisovatelia) - literenie (písanie) - naliterit (napísať) 
- naliterenie (napísanie) - literite (písaná) - naliterite (napísaná,ý,é)

edukit (vzdelávať,učiť) - edukia (vzdelanie,učenie) - edukii (vzdelávania,učenia) 
- edukor (vzdelávateľ, učiteľ) - edukori (vzdelávatelia, učitelia) 
- edukenie (vzdelávanie,učenie) - naedukit (naučiť) - naedukenie (naučenie) 
- edukite (učená,á,é) - naedukite (naučený,á,é)

DEKLINACIA BAZE NOMIOV - skloňovanie podstatných mien (existujú len 2 pády : genitiv a dativ)

Nominativ To es dom - To je dom 
Genitiv - ov To es otecov auto - To je otcovo auto 

Dativ - om Ti em dat to libro detiom - Ty dáš tú knihu deťom 

Akuzativ Tie nabudoval vez'a - Postavili vežu

Lokal : predložka o ( o mama - o mame, o otec - o otcovi, o nam - o nás, o me - o mne, o te - o tebe, o tenu - o ňom,
o tau-o nej, o tim-o nich )
Ins'trumental : predložka s (s mama - mamou, s otec - otcom, s nam - nami, s me - mnou, s te - tebou,
s tenu - ním, s tau - ňou, s tim - nimi)
(osobné zámená sú v datíve)

To es govorite o te - Hovorí sa o tebe 
Auto es s'oferite s otec - Auto je šoférované otcom 
Kafe es servite s c'as'iner - Káva je sevírovaná čašníkom
Kafe es so cukor - Káva je s cukrom 
Esit s te, ja bi ne idet tam - Byť tebou, nešiel by som tam
Ja bi idel tam so te - Bol by som tam išiel s tebou

Pri genitive a dative koncová samohláska pri podstatnom mene odpadá a pripája sa len koncovka : -ov, - om,
napr. sestrov libro - sestrina kniha, devicov mobile telefon - dievčaťov mobilný telefón, 
junakiov ekzamini - skúšky chlapcov, junakiom - chlapcom, z'eniom - ženám, siencistiom - vedcom
Edukator ede dat to libro devicom - Učiteľ dá tú knihu dievčaťu. Tie ede dat to libro deviciom
- Oni dajú tú knihu dievčatám.
V plurali sa formy - ov (genitiv), - om (dativ)) dajú buď pred podstatné meno, ktoré ostáva v základnom tvare, 
napr. libro ov oteci- kniha otcov, libri ov devici - knihy dievčat, alebo sa pripájajú až za príponu množného čísla,
napr. libro oteciov, libri deviciov, kos'eli junakiov, boti detiov, ski sportistiov, auti s'oferiov, spotistiom, s'oferiom

IMPERATIV : základný tvar slovesa bez koncovky infinitiva ( - t ), pridaním koncovky - j.
idit - idij (choď) videt - videj (pozeraj) skribit - skribi (píš) mat - maj (maj jedenie - najedz sa)
robit - robij (rob) audit - audij (počuvaj) c'itit - c'iti (čítaj) z'ivit - z'ivij (ži) est - esi (buď)
bez'it - bez'ij (bež) varit - varij (var) kalkulit - kalkuli (počítaj) sedet - sedej (seď, sadni si) edit - edij (jedz)

(Ti) skribij ! - Píš ! (Ti) audij ! - Počúvaj ! (Ti) kalkulij ! - Počítaj ! (Ti) mizej ! - zmizni ! 
Vi skribij ! - Píšte ! Vi audij ! - Počúvajte ! Vi kalkulij ! - Počítajte ! Vi mizej ! - zmiznite !
Mi skribij ! - Píšme ! Mi audij ! - Počúvajme ! Mi kalkulij ! - Počítajme ! Mi mizej ! - zmiznime !

PERSONE ADVERBI - osobné zámená
Vo vete sa používajú v nominative pred slovesami na určenie podmetu / osoby.

Nominativ Dativ / Akuzativ Genitiv
ja - ja me - mne, mňa, mi,ma moi - môj, -a, - e
ti - ty te - teba, tebe, ťa tvoi - tvoj, -a, -e
ten - on tenu - jemu, ho,mu, tomu tenoi - jeho, toho
ta - ona tau - ju, tú, jej, nej tai - jej, tej
to - ono tou - mu, ho, tomu (neutrum) toi - jeho, ho, toho (neutrum)

mi - my nam - nám, nás nas' - náš,-a,-e
vi - vy vam - vám, vás vas' - váš,-a,-e
tie - oni tim - im, tím,ich tih' - ich, tých

to - neutrálne ukazovacie zámeno pre neživotné(životné) podstatné mená, pri ktorých nerozoznávame rod
ten, ta, to - predstavujú osobné aj ukazovacie zámená.

ti - len jedna osoba (j.č.) vi - len viac osôb (mn.č.)
(Neexistuje Vykanie ani Onikanie)

tuten - tuta - tuto [tento - táto - toto]
tamten - tamta - tamto [tamten - tamtá - tamto]

REFLEKSE ADVERBO - zvratné zámeno se - sa, si, seba
Mi dam se to h'leb so maslo - Ten chlieb si dame s maslom
Tie edukim se to future tiden - Budú sa to učiť budúci týždeň



TOP  Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski


NUMERI - Čísla / Číslovky
Baze numeri - Základné číslovky Rade numeri - Radové číslovky (- te)

0 - nul, zero 0. - nulte, zerote ( nultá)
1 - en 1. - ente
2 - dve 2. - dvete
3 - tri 3. - trite
4 - s'tir 4. - s'tirte
5 - pet 5. - pette
6 - s'es 6. - s'este
7 - sem 7. - semte
8 - os 8. - oste
9 - dev 9. - devte
10 - des 10. - deste

11 - desen 11. - desente
12 - desdve 12. - desdvete
13 - destri 13. - destrite
14 - dess'tir 14. - dess'tirte
15 - despet 15. - despette
16 - dess'es 16. - dess'este
17 - dessem 17. - dessemte
18 - desos 18. - desoste
19 - desdev 19. - desdevte

20 - dvedes 20. - dvedeste
21 - dvedesen 21. - dvedesente
22 - dvedesdve 22. - dvedesdvete

30 - trides 30. - trideste
40 - s'tirdes 40. - s'tirdeste
50 - petdes 50. - petdeste

100 - sto (hekto) 100. - stote (hektote) 
1000 - tis (kilo) 1 000. - tiste (kilote) 
1 000 000 - milion (mega) 1 000 000. - milionte (megate)
1 000 000 000 - bilion (giga) 1 000 000 000. - bilionte (gigate)

des = 10 deci = 10-1
hekto = 100 (sto) centi = 10-2
kilo = 1 000 (tis) mili = 10-3
mega = 1 000 000 (milion) mikro = 10-6
giga = 1 000 000 000 (bilion) nano = 10-9

Multiplikacia : krat dvekrat - dvojnásobný, deskrat - osemnásťnásobný
Dividencia : div deleno / delené
Frakcia : - ina dveina - polovica, desina - desatina, stoina - stotina, tisina - tisícina, milionina -milióntina

PLUSENIE NUMERIOV - Sčítanie čísel
os plus sem es (ekvat) despet - 8 + 7 = 15 
MINUSENIE NUMERIOV - Odčítanie čísel 
despet minus sem es (ekvat) os - 15 - 7 = 8 
dve krat tri es s'es - 2 x 3 = 6 des krat sto es tis (des krat hekto es kilo) - desať krát sto je tisíc
tis krat milion es bilion (kilo krat mega es giga) - tisíc krát milión je miliarda 
des div pet es dve - desať deleno päť je dva 
bilion div tis es milion (giga div kilo es mega) - miliarda deleno tisíc je milión
FRAKTI - Zlomky 
dveina (en lom dve) - 1/2 triina (en lom tri) - 1/3 dev milionina (dev lom milion / dev lom mega) - 9/1 000 000
DESINE NUMERI - Desatinné čísla
nul cele en (en desina) - 0,1 nul cele dve (dve desini) - 0,2 
nul cele en milionina / en milionina (nul cele en megaina) 0,000 001
EKVATA - Rovnica (Ekvati - Rovnice) - E es ekvate m krat c kvadrat (E = mc2)
102 - des na dve / des na kvadrat, 103 - des na tri / des na kubik, 104 - des na s'tir 105 - des na pet

Decimale Sistem - desiatkový systém / sústava
meter, liter, kilogram
kvadrate meter (štvorcový meter), kubike meter (kubický meter) obkvadragonal (obdĺžnik)
cirk (kruh), polcirk (polkruh), radius (polomer), diameter (priemer), diagonala (uhlopriečka), sfera (guľa),
trigonal (trojuholník), kvadragonal (štvorec), pentagonal (päťuholník), heksagonal (šesťuholník), oktagonal (osemuholník)
linea (čiara), horizontale / vertikale linea (vodorovná /zvislá priamka), goniomer (uhlomer), prizen (ihlan)
perimeter (okraj, perimeter), paralele linei (rovnobežné priamky), krive linea (krivka), priame linea (priamka), 
cilinder (valec), konus (kúžel), kubus (kocka), limite linea (úsečka), bod (bod,bodka), lina (čiarka, čiara),

TOP  Forum+discussion: Slovio - Slovianski-N, origin of Slovianski


PREFIKSI - predpony

roz - : rozlomenie(rozlomiť), rozdelit(rozdeliť), rozh'od(rozchod)
pred - : pred-gvarit (predpovedať), pred-meno(prvé meno), pred-imagit(predstaviť si niečo)
re - : rerobit(prerobiť), revolbit (znovu voliť), reotvorit (znovu otvoriť), revidovat(prehodnotiť,prezrieť,prekontrolovať)
retranslacia(prenášanie televízneho/rádiového signálu), rebudovat (prebudovať) 
bez - : bezzube(bezzubý,á,é), bezviraze(bezvýrazný,á,é), bezvizname(bezvýznamný,á,é)

-ist / -ar / -er /- or /- ik /-an: dentist(zubár), pesnist(spevák), reparist(opravár), elektrikar(elektrikár), vikar, vitizor(víťaz) pecar(pekár), s'ofer(šofér,vodič), doktor(lekár,doktor), monter, maliar, murar, vedar
emitor, aviatik(letec), lesnik, kastelan, kaplan, protektor


Egzampli ov sobrite slovi so transliteracia vo to lingva - Príklady prevzatých slov s transliteráciou v tomto jazyku 

Latine / Grecie slovi transformite do Sloveno - Latinské / Grécke slová pretransformované do Slovena
dar(dar), agrit(orat,obrábať pôdu), skribit(písať), sedet(sedieť), stat(stáť), videt(vidieť), audit / fonit(počuť), navigat(navigovať), 
nihilovat(ničiť), mortit(usmrtiť), lektit(čítať), diferit(rozdeliť), duplikovat (zdvojiť), editit (editovať), laborit(pracovať), kredit(veriť) 
kosxela(košeľa), s'kola(škola), kapusta(kapustná hlava), z'iak(žiak), ceruza(ceruzka), multi(mnohí), striga(striga), mental, psih'ik, 
rosa (rosa), sedet (sedieť, sadnuť), jedit (jesť) palac(palác), verbale(slovný,á,é), morte(mŕtvy,a,e), militanta(armádna), 
magnifikante(veľkolepý,á,é),maksimale(najväčší,a,e), optimala (optimálny,a,e), plus(viac), dar(dar), mur(múr), inicia(začiatok), 
astra(hviezda), Tera(zem), Luna(mesiac), templar(mních), 
birokracia(byrokracia), dukcia (vedenie), femina(žena), egzitus (smrť), fakt(skutok), kineza(pohyb), libera(sloboda), diagonala, 
ekspanzia, kontrakcia, editacia (vydanie), publikacia, publikum (verejnosť), vizia, analiza, mater(matka),lakto(mlieko),
legislativa(zákonodarstvo),libra(kniha),kalamita(nešťastie),korpus(telo),artist(umelec), metamorfoza-premena, 
nukleo, atom, fonia, oksigen, hidrogen, karbon, kalcium, magnezium, helium, solar, aparat, nome(meno), 
dom(dom), litera(písmeno), materia(látka), minorita(menšina), medik / doktor(doktor), 
nacia(národ), procesia(sprievod), numero(číslo,počítať), audiencia(vypočutie), ekvita(rovnosť), ekvator(rovník), skopit (pozorovať), 
magnituda,episkopia, minimum,maksimum,magnum, skriptum, cista, nilon, anonim, liceum, termo, kosmos, meteo(počasie) avio,polihistor,dializa,dizenteria,distancia,bakteria, mikrob, virus, racio, prizmus, radius, diameter, racio,proton,mikroskop, teleskop, 
periskop, aviacia, solarium, helio, geografia, historia, fizika, hermes, matematika, algoritmus, konus, kvadrant, cirk, sfera, globa, 
termal, hibernacia, status, astera, priorita, edukacia,dimenzia, heterogene, homogene,administracia,siguro
siencia(veda), siencist(vedec, vehikular(vozidlo), Zem/Globa/Geos (Zemeguľa), Helio (Slnko), Luna (Mesiac) 
Sobrite Gote slovi - Prevzaté Gótske slová
h'leb, sklo, buk
Sobrite slovi zo ine lingvi - Prebraté slová z iných jazykov
stabilita, dis'puta,debata, sprej, lodz'ia, kufor, deka, katastrofa, fajn, funkcia, mutacia, senzacia, dilema, strategia,idea, 
sh'ema, grafologia, vizia, distristribucia, fonia, kataklizma,antibiotikum, s'kala, morfologia, kombustia,balkon, pastor, tema 
enorme, higienika, hipotetika, totalita, simplicita,razante, pozicia, sekurita, sekvencia, simultano, proces, separit, panika 
armia, arest, rezultat(výsledok), digital, senzor, c'ip, komputer, disk, disketa, printit(tlačiť), printer(tlačiar), printera(tlačiareň)
aero(vzduch) / aeroplan(lietadlo), avit(letieť), avio(krídlo) aviacia(lietanie), aviator(letec), fonia(zvuk), aerodrom (letisko) 
siguro(bezpečne),rih'tar(správca obce), probit(skúsiť), kastelan(správca hradu), meteo(počasie),meteorologia(meteorológia)



SLOVAR / VOKABULO (selekcia / ekstrahacia ov slove zasoba) - Slovník (výber zo slovnej zásoby) :

ko - kto c'o - čo kisi - nejaký, akýsi c'osi - niečo
kov - koho,čia c'ov - čoho neki - nijaký, žiadny nec' - nič
kom - komu c'om - čomu kesi - niekde, kdesi nekei - nikdy 
o kom - o kom o c'om - o čom neke - nikde
so kom - s kým so c'om - s čím kosi - niekto, ktosi kien - každý,á,é
neko - nikto korsi - niektoré,ý,á
ke - kde kor - ktorý,á,é kaosi - nejako, akosi ensi - akýkoľvek, ktorýkoľvek
kei - kedy z'e - že nekao - nijako hoc'o - čokoľvek, hocičo
kie - aký,á,é abo - alebo lensi - niekoľko, zopár
kao - ako len - len, iba od ke - odkiaľ keisi - niekedy
ak - keby tez' - tiež, aj do ke - dokiaľ
kim - zatiaľ čo, kým ale - ale od kei - odkedy
ked - keď li - či do kei - dokedy
c'em - prečo ebo - pretože, lebo
nez' - než abi - aby

an - áno pondelak - pondelok januar Pacifike Ocean
ne - nie utorak - utorok februar Atlantike Ocean
c'as - čas sreda - streda marec Indie Ocean 
den - deň s'tirak - štvrtok april Arktike Ocean
tiden - týždeň petak - piatok maj Ekvatore Cirk
mesec - mesiac sobota - sobota jun Longituda
rok - rok nedela - nedeľa jul Latituda
sever - sever c'era - včera august Severe Polare Cirk
jug - juh denes - dnes september Juge Polare Cirk
istok - východ sutra - zajtra oktober Antarktika / Arktika
zapad - západ utro - ráno november Volkano 
vesna - jar polden - obed december Kontinent
leto - leto vec'er - večer
jesen - jeseň noc - noc
zima - zima polnoc - polnoc

zdar selo - dedina 
dobre den mesto - mesto 
dobre utro gora - hor 
dobre vec'er luka - lúka
dobre noc put - cesta

Zdravo - zdravim ťa(vás) 
Kao es ti ? - Ako sa máš ?
Ja es dobro - Mám sa dobre Kao velo (denari) es to ? - Koľko to stojí(peňazí) ?
Ki es c'as ? - Koľko je hodín ?
To es pet c'asi - Je päť hodín
To es en c'as - Je jedna hodina

Jesus Kristus - Ježiš Kristus eklesia - cirkev 
Evangelium - evanjelium spasitor - spasiteľ
Apostol - apoštol kral - kráľ
Angel - anjel kralov zem - kráľovstvo
Kristan - kresťan krus - kríž krusit - prekrižovať krusifiksit - ukrižovať
baptisit - krstiť (baptisenie - krst) monastir - kláštor monist - mních
svate - svätý,í,á,é Kristusov Narodenie - Vianoce
Svatec (i) - Svätec (í) Spasitorov Noc - Veľká noc
spirit - duch oms'a - omša
mesias' - mesiáš religia - náboženstvo ( religie - náboženský, nábožný )
profet - prorok ( religii - náboženstvá )
pastor - farár, kazateľ
P.K. (Pred Kristus) - pred Kristom Deo - Boh
Po.K. (Po Kristus) - po Kristovi Deov justicia - Božia spravodlivosť
Svate Skribenie - Sväté Písmo
verita - viera, pravda nefinita - večnosť, nekonečno
verit - veriť, dôverovať glorifit - oslavovať, sláviť
resurektit - vstať z mŕtvych kostol - kostol

Nas' otec, kor es vo nebo
svate esij tvoi nome
pridij kralenie tvoi
esij vola tvoi
kao vo nebo, tak i na Zem
h'leb nas' kienodene daj nam denes
a odpustij nam nas' vini
kao i mi odpust nas' vinitoriom
a ne uvedij nas do pokus'enie
ale zbavij nas od zle. Amen

Vo nome ov Otec i Sin i Svate Spirit 

aviator - letec administracia - riadenie, správ, služba občanom
aerodrom - letisko dividencia - oddelenie, delenie
aeroplan - lietadlo justicia - spravodlivosť 
helikoptera - vrtulník, helikoptéra governia - vláda minister - minister, služobník ministit - slúžiť, posluhovať
eks Globe civilizacia - mimozemská civilizácia
kosmodrom - štartovacia rampa pre kozmické rakety mezo-planete - medziplanetárny
Geogravitacia - Zemská priťažlivosť Geonukleus - Zemské jadro Geo-centrume Teoria - teória o zemskom strede vesmíru
Helie svit - Slnečný jas Helie radiacia - Slnečné vyžarovanie Helio-centrume Teoria - teória o slnečnom strede vesmíru
Lune svit - Mesačný svit / jas Helio-centrume Sistem - heliocentrická sústava
orbita - obežná dráha sonda - sonda Eks Helie Sistem - mimo Slnečnej sústavy
distancia - vzdialenosť Kosmose velocita - kozmická rýchlosť
universale - všeobecný, svetový, univerzálny gradus - stupeň 

Severe Magnete Pol - severný magnetický pól Mezotere more - Stredozemné more
Juge Magnete Pol - južný magnetický pól mezo - medzi centrum - stred
Helio - Slnko (ako hviezda) mezo-nacione lingva - medzinárodný jazyk
astera - hviezda
Globa / Geo- - Zem (planéta), svet zem - zem, pôda tera - územie, teritórium 
Luna - Mesiac (ako satelit Zeme)
planeta - planéta Helie Sistem - slnečná sústava

zover - zver pteric - vták riba - ryba insekt - hmyz savec - cicavec plaz - plaz 
organite - organický,á,é
ne organite - anorganický,á,é
planta - rastlina herba - bylina folis - list (na strome) 
senzitivita - citlivosť senzor - snímač
celula - bunka glacial - ladovec meteo - počasie

hostinec - pohostinstvo, hostinec putenie - putovanie, cestovanie
jedit - jesť jedenie - jedlo spat - spať spanie - spanie, spánok maj spanie - pospi si, vyspi sa 
pitit - piť pitenie - pitie, nápoj bivat - bývať bivenie - ubytovanie maj bivenie - ubytuj sa

Prezentenie tekstiov 

To lingva mat logike gramatika bez komplikite sufiksi a prefiksi a gramatike neregulareni. 
Pro to es vic dobre c'em ensi naturale lingva.

Gramatika ov to lingva es baze a ne mat urgencia ov kisi trebenie pro kreatenie 
ov vic komplikite gramatike strukturi, kor es ne trebite pro standarde z'ive komunikacia mezo humani.

Na nas' teritorium z'ivil uz' pred lensi tis roki kmeni koc'ove pasteriov 
a naselite agritori. Na kelte a vic pozde Rome naselenie navazal Slovani,
kor kmeni pridil do Centrale Europa vo 4. - 5. storoki Po.K.
Za ente state utvar na nas' teritorium moz'eto povaz'it Velomorave Imperium,
kor nasledil po kmene unia ov zapade Slovani - Samov Imperium.

Po dekadencia ov Velomorave Imperium teritorium ov Slovakia il dlho kus ov vic
vele formenie - ov Ugria, vo to dominante nacion il Hungariani.

Vo 19. storoki Slovakiani il startit z'adat tih' nacione juristiki. Vo rok 1918
po dekadencia ov Austria - Ugria to il nakreatite nove stat - C'eh'ioslovakie Republika.
To menenie il krok ku state suverenit. 


"Mi konkluzit tak, z'e opozito tim mnogokrate obstrukcii a h'aosi ov reciprocie kontakt, kor formit 
zo variacia, zo lekost a ne perfekcia ov lingvi, ne ostat ov efektive medium, nez' abi se kompletit nove
vic leke lingva, nad vse ine uz' zname, abi mi moz'et edukit to bez c'ase a objektive deficit ... " 

Jan Amos Komenský, VIA LUCIS


"En triina ov nas' z'ivenie bi pridate nam ak akceptenie ov pomocite lingva il edukenie ov ine naturale lingvi limitite
na racie kriterium"
G. W. Leibniz




Unia ov Arabe Emirati Spojené Arabské Emiráty
Afgania Afghanistan
Albania Albansko
Armenia Arménsko
Arktika Arktída
Antarktika Antarktída
Austria Rakúsko
Australia Austrália
Azerbaidz'an Azerbajdžan
Bosna i Hercegovina Bosna a Hercegovina
Banglades' Bangladéž
Belgia Belgicko
Bulgaria Bulharsko
Bermuda Bermudy
Brazilia Brazília
Bahame Ostrovi Bahamské ostrovy
Belarusia Bielorusko
Kanada Kanada
Centrale Afrike Republika Stredoafrická republika
Juge Afrike Republika Juhoafrická republika
S'vicaria Švajčiarsko
C'ina Čína
Kipros Cyprus
C'eh'e Republika Česká republika
Germania Nemecko
Dz'ibuti Džibuti
Dania Dánsko
Dominikane Republika Dominikánska republika
Alz'eria Alžírsko
Estonia Estónsko
Egypt Egypt
Zapade Sahara Západná Sahara
Spania Španielsko
Finia Finsko
Ostrovi Fidz'i Ostrovy Fidži
Falklande Ostrovi Falklandské ostrovy
Ostrovi Fare Ostrovy Fare
Francia Francúzsko
Gruzia Gruzínsko
Francie Guiana Francúzska Guaiana
Gibraltar Gibraltar
Gronlandia Grónsko
Ekvatore Guinea Rovníková Guinea
Grecia Grécko
H'rvatia Chorvátsko
Irlandia Irsko
Izrael Izrael
Irak Irak
Iran Irán
Island Island
Italia Taliansko
Jamaika Jamajka
Jordania Jordansko
Japonia Japonsko
Kenia Keňa
Kirgizia Kirgízsko
Kambodz'a Kambodža
Severe Korea Serverná Korea
Juge Korea Južná Korea
Kuvait Kuvajt
Kaimane Ostrovi Kajmanské ostrovy
Kazah'stan Kazachstan
Libanon Libanon
Lih'tens'tain Lichtenštajnsko
Litva Litva
Luxemburg Luxembursko
Latvia Lotyšsko
Moldovia Moldavsko
Mars'ale Ostrovi Maršálove ostrovy
Makedonia Macedónsko
Mongolia Mongolsko
Martinik Martinik
Mauritania Mauretánia
Malta Malta
Mauritius Maurícius
Malawi Malawi
Mexiko Mexiko
Malaizia Malajzia
Mozambik Mozambik
Namibia Namíbia
Nove Kaledonia Nová Kaledónia
Nederland / Holandia Holandsko
Norvegia Nórsko
Nove Zealand Nový Zéland
Francie Polynezia Francúzska Polynézia
Filipini Filipíni
Polakia Polsko
Puerto Riko Portoriko
Palestina Palestína
Portugalia Portugalsko
Paraguay Paraguaj
Kuatar Katar
Romania Rumunsko
Rusia Rusko
Rwanda Rwanda
Saudie Arabia Saudská Arábia
Solomone Ostrovi Šalamúnové ostrovy
Seys'eli Seychely
S'vedia Švédsko
Singapur Singapúr
Slovenia Slovínsko
Slovakia Slovensko
San Marino San Maríno
Somalia Somálsko
El Salvador El Salvádor
Sirie Arabe Republika Sírska arabská republika
Swaziland Swazijsko
Hungaria Maďarkso
Tailandia Tajsko
Tadz'ikia Tadžikistan
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan
Tunisia Tunis
Istoke Timor Východný Timor
Turcia Turecko
Tai-wan Tchai-wan
Ukraina Ukrajina
USA (Unia Statiov ov Amerika) USA (Spojené štáty americké)
Uruguay Uruguaj
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Vatikan Vatikán
Vietnam Vietnam
Jemen Jemen
Jugoslavia Juhoslávia
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

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